Channel: Black Youth Project » Kristen Topp

Pubes and Gender

            Yesterday was an especially awkward day for the students that I teach. It was the PUBERTY TALK. I was sure it would be painful for some of my students. However I didn’t anticipate how uncomfortable the presentation would make me. Not because of the terrible 80’s video, nude cartoons of pre-pubescent bodies, or because […]


I work at a school that is K-12, giving me a chance to work with children of all ages. It’s a small school and I’m one of the three black staff members. It’s a pretty expensive private school with a low percentage of students of color. Therefore I get to be the black ambassador for […]

I Ain’t No Hollaback Girl

  Sometimes I hear ridiculous questions. Like “Why are there still feminists? Women are equal now.” These are the same people that live in a magical world where racism is dead so I usually will take a very deep breath and begin my customary explanation about the realities that women and men still face. Racism, […]

Love and Television

I was going to write about unwanted touching, or the missing Nigerian girls. Then I started thinking about the educational inequality in our country. But quite honestly, it’s the end of the school year, I’m working three jobs, and my brain feels like it’s melting sometimes. Sometimes I like mindless entertainment, although as a feminist […]

No Need to Slutshame

    I am a pretty open person, someone that usually has a live and let live attitude, unless my civil liberties are being threatened. So I’m not really understanding all the hate on women and their personal use of their bodies. The most recent example of slut-shaming being Rihanna’s choice of a sheer dress […]

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